Have you ever gotten muddled over whether something was an action or an outcome. It can happen because often both are activities and we get caught up in cause and effect. We want to focus on the outcome. When our focus is better spent on the actions we take that provide the outcomes they enable. I know, sounds like just words until we look at an example.
Let’s take the real-life example of sleeping. We all want to have a good night’s sleep. It’s an activity, albeit one we don’t really have a lot of control of when we are sleeping. We can feel totally out of control when we have a bad night. When we give it some thought (or sleep on it, lol) we know the real activities that bring about the outcome of a good night sleep are things like exercise, the food we eat, our night time rituals, stressing out or calming down, our decisions around when and where we sleep… to name a few.
So, given that… what is your parallel when considering the outcome of signing a new customer?